What does a workshop manager do?
18 NOVEMBER 2024
Marie Samuelsson, Emmy Wixenius and Erik Gustafsson are three of 15 workshop managers in Oskarshamn. They have extensive experience within the company, but are relatively new in their current roles.
Marie is the workshop manager for Line 1 and 3 as well as the Roof Shelf in the Assembly.
- The best thing about my work is the variety, the opportunities to work with many different people and get everyone to work together towards the goal we have. Becoming a workshop manager has always been my goal, says Marie, who works with both day-to-day operations and strategic issues.
The organisation includes six group managers and a total of about 200 employees.
- I spend a lot of time training and coaching group managers, checking in on how things are going and getting the entire organization to work together. Out in the business, I talk to our employees. It's important to see everyone. Cooperation with our support functions is also important.
Contribute to the development of employees
Emmy Wixenius is workshop manager at the Press Shop, and she leads an organisation with six group management areas and a total of about 90 employees.
- It's fun to work with people, see how we develop together, and be able to influence how we solve different issues, both in everyday life and strategically, says Emmy.
- I have an overall responsibility to lead and develop the business to achieve our goals. It is important to help individuals feel that they are developing in their work. I am also responsible for setting forecasts, our staffing and that we are cost-effective. It is important to work with smart solutions.
Collaboration is the way to success
Erik Gustafsson is the workshop manager at the Top Coat Paint Shop, which includes an organization with five group managers and a total of about 85 employees.
- We have fantastically talented employees. It's great to meet everyone and take part in the great knowledge they have built up over the years, says Erik.
- Top Coat painting is a challenging production environment with interesting technology and a complicated process. I like problem solving and when we make an improvement together. It is important to work together to achieve success. My responsibility is to train the group managers and keep the business together, says Erik, who also highlights the collaboration with the maintenance, quality and technology organizations.
The workshop managers also follow focus areas such as safety, quality, productivity, uptime, work environment and development.