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Scania continues to strike gold in Ecovadis


Scania has, for the fourth time in six years, been awarded a gold rating by Ecovadis, the world’s largest and most trusted provider of sustainability ratings for business.

“I am so proud over the efforts behind this award. Being a sustainability leader is Scania’s purpose. We put our hearts and souls into driving the transition of our industry. Receiving yet a gold rating by Ecovadis is a proof for ourselves as well as our customers and partners that Scania is on the right track,” says Jacob Thärnå, Head of Sustainable Transport at Scania.


Sustainability and competitiveness go hand in hand.


“Companies who take the sustainability lead are also the future market winners. Public and private actors increase their demands on sustainable transportation every year. Achieving high results in unbiased ratings such as Ecovadis is key for Scania to participate and take a strong position in many procurement processes,” says Jacob Thärnå.


Scania in the top of 125.000 companies


Ecovadis evaluates more than 125.000 companies world-wide and bases its rating on four categories (additional info below). With a total score of 75 out of 100, Scania is placed among the top five percent of all companies assessed. The figure is somewhat higher than the previous year, when Scania had a total score of 72. The increase is due to a jump within Sustainable Procurement, where the score rose from 60 to 80.


“Scania recognises its responsibility to drive sustainable development through its purchasing power. Our colleagues within procurement are putting a lot of effort into this and it is great to see their work being reflected in the Ecovadis rating,” says Jacob Thärnå.


The four categories and Scania’s scores 2024

Environmental impact, 80

Labour and human rights, 70

Ethics, 70

Sustainable procurement, 80


Total score: 75


Further Reading


Sustainability at Scania

Scania’s Annual and Sustainability Report 2023