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Buses and coaches

For every mile and each journey

Scania aims to be a frontrunner in sustainable mobility. And we know that caring about the bigger picture requires putting a lot of effort into the details. Over more than a century, we have accumulated a deep understanding and a knowledge base that enables us to develop the buses, coaches, and services needed to make sustainable mobility happen – everywhere. 

At Scania, we approach the challenge from all angles, providing a wide range of efficient quality vehicles and smart services that allow sustainability to go hand in hand with operating economy. That, we believe, is how we create real change.

Tailor-made vehicles

Vehicles specially designed to handle extraordinary activities or very strict requirements. Scania has a number of buses around the world tailored to meet these needs, based on reliability, durability and performance.

Visit Our Bus Showroom

Scania buses and coaches are inspired by the people who travel in them and those who drive them. We’re dedicated to creating vehicles that provide the best results possible by providing profitable transport solutions for our customers.


View our bus range in detail on our bus showroom.