Why do we process your personal data?
| What categories of personal data do we process?
| Legal ground
| Retention
Employer branding
To market Scania towards current employees
| - Web browsing data
- Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
| Consent
| Maximum 2 years after event
To create a fictional profile to better understand and attract future competences
| - Age, Gender, Nationality
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| Until end of interview period, maximum 3 months
To manage the candidate database to match candidates with jobs within the Scania Group, including creating a job requisition, advertising, screening candidates both from applications and candidate pools, assessments, interviews and offer
| - Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Ethnicity only when and where mandatory according to law, when applying to positions outside EU
- Age, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Behavioural and performance data
- Criminal/legal data
- Financial data
- Health reports and Health tests
- Preferred country to work
- Professional experience
- Social medial account
- Photo
| Legitimate interest
| In accordance with local laws and regulations of the recruiting Scania legal entity
To share data with supplier of background checks on job candidates
| - Personal Identifiers
- Result of background check
| Legitimate interest
| 30 days
To perform test on job candidates
| - Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
| Legitimate interest
| |
To use for future recruiting
| - Personal identifiers
- Home Address
- Preferred country
- Employment data
- Professional experience
- Education & Skills
- Social medial account
- Photo
| Consent
| Maximum of 24 months from last editing personal information
To prepare and enter into employment contracts
| - Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Financial data
- Leaves, vacation and working hours
- Personal Identifiers
- Professional experience
- Professional Organization
- Salutation, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Emergency Contact
| Contract
| Maximum of 10 years
To enable onboarding and cross-boarding
| - Financial data
- Salutation, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Emergency Contact and Dependents
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Photo
- IT usage data
| Contractual obligation
| Maximum 90 days after onboarding is completed
To enable sharing of experiences between Scania trainees through the TRATON Trainee Network
| - Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| Three years from ending trainee program
Managing employment
To provide global support to HR systems
| - Birthdate
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum 2 year after closed support case or 90 days after end of employment.
To enable the HR Service Centre to receive and answer questions from HR managers, managers, employees and external authorities related to employees
| - Birthdate
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum 2 years after closed support case or 30 days after end of employment
To register new employees and administratively manage changes throughout the employment
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age, Birthdate, Gender
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Employment data
- Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Health certificate
- Position data
- Emergency contact
- Photos
- Professional experience
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
| Contract
| 24 for months after end of employment
To archive HR related documents
| - Birthdate
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Professional experience
| Legal obligation
| Maximum of 10 years after employment
To handle and follow up company cars
| - Personal Identifiers
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| 10 years from paid salary
To handle and follow up the use of electric bikes
| - Personal Identifiers
- Geo position of bike
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 10 days
To handle and following up on electronic driving record of company cars
| - Driving time
- Milage
- Vehicle identity numbers
- Geo position of company car
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 90 days
To managing bookings at Scania training facilities
| - Birthdate
- Personal Identifiers
- Photo
| Contract
To book, manage and follow up on Scania personnel transportation
| - Personal Identifiers
- Pick up and leave spots
| Legitimate interest
| 1 month and 1 week
To manage Scania accommodation
| - Financial data
- Personal Identifiers
- Home Address
- Behavioural and performance data
| Contract
| From the last day of contract, the personal data is saved for one year. Personal data regarding expatriates are saved for five years. In case the tenant has a rent debt to Scania the personal data is saved until the debt is resolved
To manage Scania mail parcels
| Legitimate interest
| The data is deleted when employment ends.
To manage and reconcile Scania restaurant payments and invoicing
| - Personal Identifiers
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| The data is anonymized after 12 months of inactivity
To manage programs for top executives and other key positions
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Personal Identifiers
- Education & Skills
- Civil status and partner's name
- Emergency contact and dependents
- Social medial account
- Employment data
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of running 10 years for bonus reasons
To administrate the life cycle of employment to support employees and the managers
| - IT usage data
- Salutation, Age, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Civil status and partner's name
- Emergency contact and dependents
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| 60 months after end of employment or according to local legal requirements
Fullfilling legal obligations
To be able to answer questions from authorities or other institutions such as the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, the Enforcement Authority, banks, AFA, Police, estates, etc.
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Financial data
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Position data
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| Until the question is answered
To manage lack of performance cases
| - IT usage data
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age, Birthdate
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Health reports and medical certificates
- Identified illness and psychological condition
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Financial data
- Other Special Category Data (Opinion, Ethnicity, etc)
| Legal obligation
| Until end of employment and during limitation period in local labour legislation
To manage individual issues of misconduct
| - IT usage data
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age
- Professional organization
- Web browsing data
- Financial data
- Employment data
- Drug tests and Health reports
- Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Scania premisses control
- Surveillance camera data
- Social medial account
- Professional experience
- Union membership
| Legal obligation
| Until end of employment and during limitation period in local labour legislation
To negotiate with trade unions on employment and company issues
| - Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
| Legal obligation
To manage the redeployment process for individuals due to medical, behaviour, lack of performance or organizational reasons
| - Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Medical certificate
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
- Union membership
| Legal obligation
| Until the process is closed and obligations due to legal and contractual obligations are fulfilled.
To manage individual rehabilitation issues
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age
- Professional organization
- Allergies, Identified illness and psychological condition
- Drug tests and Health tests
- Medical certificates and Health reports
- Ergonomic data
- Rehabilitation data
- Work accidents, injuries etc
- Personal Identifiers
- Body descriptive data
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Union membership
| Legal obligation
| Two years after rehabilitation is closed
Staff and Salary Administration
To carry out salary reviews and salary revisions for employees
| - Age and Gender
- Professional organization
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Financial data
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Union membership
| Legal obligation
| 10 years after paid salary
To manage the core payroll process at Scania
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Financial data
- Birthdate
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Union membership
| Contract
| 10 years after paid salary
To manage payroll system support
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Financial data
- Age and Birthdate
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Union membership
| Legitimate interest
| 10 years after paid salary
To perform annual compensation reviews
| - Age and Gender
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Union membership
| Legitimate interest
| 10 years after salary increase
To provide and manage individual pensions and benefits
| - Age, Birthdate and Gender
- Financial data
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum 24 months, except employment number and PID-number, which are saved during employment
To provide and manage individual pensions and benefits for executives and expatriates
| - Financial data
- Civil status and Partners name
- Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Health report
- Professional experience
| Contract
| Until employment ends and as long as the data subject's insurance/pension is paid, including payments to beneficiaries
To manage invoicing and reporting of pensions and benefits
| - Financial data
- Civil status
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
| Legal obligation
| 10 years after the data subject has died. If there are beneficiaries, the data is saved 10 years after beneficiaries have died
To provide and manage scholarships
| - Employment data
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
| Consent
| Application is saved for two months. Decision on granted scholarship is saved for two years
To manage the Scania Resultatbonus
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Personal Identifiers
- Home Address
- Financial data
| Legitimate interest
| 10 years from disbursement
Work environment and health
To conduct medical examinations of employees and related persons for expatriations missions
| - Allergies, Identified illness
- Health incidents
- Health reports and medical reports
- Health tests
- Prescriptions
- Birthdate
- Civil status, partner's name and children names
- Personal Identifiers
| Contract
| 10 years from last entry in patient record
To film and photograph for ergonomic risk assessments
| - Ergonomic data
- Photos and videos
- Professional organization
| Legal obligation
| Maximum 3 months when doing risk assessments. Films used in trainings are saved as long the training is used
To conduct medical examinations of employees before short term business travel
| - Allergies
- Identified illness
- Medical certificates
- Prescriptions
- Birthdate
- Home address
- Professional organization
- Personal Identifiers
| Legitimate interest
| 10 years from last entry in patient record
To report, manage and analyse work incidents
| - Personal Identifiers
- Work accidents, injuries etc
- Photos
- Position at workplace
| Legal obligation
| Retention time is set for personal data according to local work environment legislation
To assess employees’ ability to work and their health in order to take improving measures within the area of occupational health
| - Age, Birthdate and Gender
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Allergies
- Drug tests
- Ergonomic data
- Health incidents and Work accidents, injuries etc
- Medical certificates
- Prescriptions
- Psychological conditions and psychological counselling data
- Rehabilitation data
- Body description, Height Weight and other body descriptive data
- Civil status and partner's name
- Children names
- Personal Identifiers
- Photos
- Leaves, vacation, and working hour
| Legitimate interest
| 10 years from last entry in patient record
To perform new employment health examinations to investigate if there are any medical obstacles to perform the position a candidate has applied to
| - Personal Identifiers
- Education & Skills
- Age, Birthdate and Gender
- Home Address
- Drug tests and Health tests
- Identified illness
- Prescriptions
- Height and Weight
| Legitimate interest
| Name, e-mail address, department and manager are saved for one year. Medical data is retained 10 years from last entry in patient record.
To perform random drug test of employees and offer employees with help to overcome addictions
| - Birthdate
- Professional organization
- Drug tests
- Personal Identifier
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum 10 years after last entry in patient record in case of positive test. Maximum 6 months in case of negative test
Planning and follow-up
To build and maintain a competence inventory to support the strategic workforce planning within the Scania Group
| - Education & Skills
- ·Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 10 years or in accordance with local legislation
To enable career planning and skills assessments to identify skills and competency gaps by comparing current and potential future roles
| - Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| 60 months after end of employment or according to local legal requirements
To perform the Employee Satisfaction Barometer and other surveys
| - Age, Birthdate and Gender
- Professional organization
- Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Education and skills
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| For Employee Satisfaction Barometer until the data is aggregated and anonymized, before reporting. For other surveys, until the surveys are updated and re-launched, maximum of 10 years
To perform HR related statistics for follow-up and to form the basis for HR-related decisions
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Financial data
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Age, Birthdate and Gender
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Health and Work accidents, injuries etc
- Rehabilitation data
- Professional experience
- Behavioural and performance data
- IT usage data
- Civil status
| Legitimate interest
| Whenever possible, personal data is aggregated and anonymized before reporting. Data exported from outside source system is retained for a maximum of 60 days after completed project.
To perform analytics within the HR area to form the basis for HR-related decisions
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Education & Skills
- IT usage data
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
- Rehabilitation
- Work accidents, injuries etc
- Scania premises passage
| Legitimate interest
| As a rule, data is saved about 3 months after requested analytics have been produced.
To identify and develop cross talent
| - Personal Identifiers
- Education & Skills
- IT usage data
- Behavioural and performance data
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 2 years after end of process
To enable succession planning and management
| - Age, Gender and Nationality
- Professional organization
- Employment data
- Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 60 months after end of employment or according to local legal requirements
Learning and development
To enable employees to share digital certificates
| - Personal Identifiers
- Education & Skill
| Legitimate interest
| As long as the employee uses the service
To conduct performance reviews of employees
| - Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Education & Skills
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Professional experience
- Employment data
- Gender
- Professional organization
- IT usage data
| Legitimate interest
| 2 years from review, but a maximum until end of employment
To enable employees to share learning activities and follow others on learning platforms
| - Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Photos
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 10 years
To manage and coordinate training activities
| - Food preferences
- Education & Skills
- Clothing and Shoes size
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 10 years
To implement and evaluate training activities
| - Web browsing data
- Personal Identifiers
- Monitoring, Recordings, and Images
- IT usage data
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 1 year
To create and follow-up on development plans for employees
| - Education & Skills
- Personal Identifiers
- Behavioural and performance data
- Employment data
- Professional experience
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| One year after end of employment
To train future leaders and enhance their network
| - Food preferences
- Birthdate and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Clothing and Shoe size
- Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Education & Skills
- Behavioural and performance data
- Photos
- Professional experience
| Legitimate interest
| End of employment
Travel Management and Expatriation
To manage the expatriation process for employees as well as related persons
| - Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Age, Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Financial data
- Education & Skills
- Emergency contacts
- Civil status and partner's name
- Education & Skills
- Medical certificates
- Personal Identifiers
- Professional experience
| Contract
| Maximum of 10 years
To manage travel bills and the expense process
| - Food preferences
- Work accidents, injuries etc
- Birthdate, Gender and Nationality
- Home Address
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Position data
| Legitimate interest
| 7 years in total
To conduct analyses on travel patterns
| - Personal Identifiers
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| Maximum of 5 years
Other processing
To follow safety processes and routines in case of emergency
| - Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Professional organization
- Name and contact information of emergency contact
- Citizenship
- Nationality
| Legitimate interest or Protection of your vital interest
To protect our employees and our company assets
| - Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Professional organization
- Photos
- IT usage data
- Web browsing data
- Scania premises passage control
- Surveillance camera data
| Legitimate interest
To transfer personal data externally in order to identify you as a Scania employee and to enable you to perform your work duties
| - Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Professional organization
- Photos, film and audio
| Legitimate interest
To analyse, improve and develop existing and new products and services
| - Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Citizenship
- Professional organization
- IT usage data
| Legitimate interest
To provide you with requested information and relevant updates
| Legitimate interest
To comply with licences of open-source programs
| - Contributors’ Personal Identifiers
| Contractual obligation
Termination of employment
To support HR and managers with legal advice concerning termination of employments
| - Age
- Professional organization
- Financial data
- Personal Identifiers
- Union membership
| Legal obligation
To offboard employees ensuring a good exit and a structured knowledge transfer
| - Personal Identifiers
- Employment data
- Professional organization
| Legitimate interest
| Data on offboarding is retained until offboarding tasks are completed and the employment has ended.
To handle redundancy according to legal requirements and common processes
| - Age and Birthdate
- Professional organization
- Education & Skills
- Employment data
- Personal Identifiers
- Leaves, vacation, and working hours
- Professional experience
- Behavioural and performance data
- Financial data
- Union membership
| Legal obligation
| Maximum 2 years from end of employment. Data on employment time is retained until reached retirement age.