Scania Internship Production
Scania Internship Production gives you the opportunity to get to know the Manufacturing at Scania as a complement to your education. If you are studying for a Bachelor of Science or Master of Science in Engineering you are eligible for this program. It is an advantage to start the program early in your education. You will of course be compensated throughout the internship.
About the internship
Scania Internship Production is a six-weeks long program, five weeks before industry holiday and one week after. Alongside the daily work at the shop floor, you will take part in seminars, lectures, go-and-see and a one-week final project. You will get to know the Scania Production System, shop floor engineering and how to work with improvements.
During the first year of the internship, you lay the foundations and get an understanding what it is like to work within production. After the first year you may apply for the program again and get the opportunity to deepen your knowledge and perform engineering tasks. You may apply as long as you are a student.
The Scania Internship Production is an initiative run in cooperation with the KTH, Royal Institute of Technology, and Linköping University. You may of course participate in the program even if you study at another University in Sweden. If you participate in the program for the first time you can apply to get the internship counted as a college course equivalent to six credits at KTH if you fulfil the requirements.
For whom?
Engineering students early in their career so that they can return and do SIP 2. SIP 2 is more focused on the job as a technician in the production.
Language requirements
Swedish. The program will be held in Swedish, therefore Swedish is mandatory.
Start: Monday week 24.
Duration: Week 24-28 and week 33.
Six weeks over the summer, break for the normal industrial holidays.
Six-week internship combined with lectures, study visits and a one-week final project. Knowledge of the Scania Production System, production technology.
- Assembly (Assembly or Logistics)
- Machining (Machining or Maintenance)
See more information further down the page.
The application period for 2025 is now closed.
”When theory could be applied on reality during my time at the programme, the understanding for my studies grew. I really understood my courses, and also had the first contact with my future employer."
Olivia Löwhagen, Workshop Manager Production
The Assembly area consist of two sub groups:
- Assembly:
Assemble components (engine, gearbox, axles) or vehicles at the assembly line. This would be a great choice if you are detail oriented and enjoy precision and team work. You will work in a fast paced dynamic environment. After the completion of the program you will have a better understanding of the importance of assembly for the bigger company picture.
- Logistics:
Logistics is the flow of production parts from the goods reception to the consuming assembly station. You will have the opportunity to try the entire flow before diving in deeper into one area of logistics. There are only limited positions within this subgroup.
The Machining area consists of two sub groups:
- Manufacturing machining:
You will be able to follow a product from raw material to completed part. Daily duties will include rigging, quality work, daily planning and some industrial engineering.
- Maintenance:
Maintenance means both proactive and reactive work to keep the process equipment up and running as well as optimizing cost. There are limited positions within this subgroup.
If you have a greater interest in one of these specializations you should write a motivation in your cover letter.
The Scania Internship Production is aimed at students planning on graduating with either a Bachelor of Science or a Master of Science in Engineering and that are curious about our industry.
There are a few prerequisites for you to be able to participate in the program. You need to be able to get to Scania in Södertälje during the relevant working hours. Additionally, if it is your first year in the program you need to be available to work weeks 24-33 with the exception of Scanias industry holidays weeks 29-32.
The application period for 2025 is now closed.
Have you participated in the program before?
If you have participated in the program before and you are interested in coming back, you are welcome to apply below. You must have completed the first year of the program to be able to apply for the second year. If you are accepted then you and your manager will discuss what weeks you are going to work.
Your application should include:
- A cover letter
- Your CV
- Relevant academic transcripts/grades
Looking forward to your application!