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2nd March 2021

TruckEast Norwich has been announced as the overall winner of the 2020 Scania Depot of the Year (DoTY) competition, making it the second time the branch has been awarded this prestigious prize in the last three years.  


The runner up in the 2020 event was Keltruck Hereford, with West Pennine Trucks Telford taking third place.  DoTY is a year-long event which focuses on a broad range of qualitative measures designed to highlight the overall capability of each of the 84 service centres in the UK Scania network.  What makes the 2020 competition of particular note is the strength of performance of the whole Scania network delivered throughout a year dominated by COVID-19. 


Commenting on TruckEast Norwich's success, Scania (Great Britain) Limited Managing Director, Martin Hay says, "It is our absolute pleasure to recognise the best of the best in service capability in our UK Scania network, especially in such a challenging year. I want to thank everyone in our network for delivering such an outstanding service during what has possibly been the hardest year in living memory, and of course my special congratulations go to the teams at TruckEast Norwich, Keltruck Hereford and West Pennine Telford for achieving our top three positions in the 2020 Depot of the Year programme. Well done to them all for delivering such an exceptional performance."


For TruckEast, Managing Director John Biggin says, "While every branch in the TruckEast network worked extremely hard in the DoTY competition, it was our Norwich team who ultimately emerged victorious.  In winning for the second time in three years they have clearly demonstrated their ongoing commitment to customer service excellence.  My wholehearted congratulations go to all staff at our Norwich depot for their success in DoTY, and I would like to thank every member of the TruckEast team at each of our network points for the outstanding and second-to-none customer service they provide every single day."


Scania’s DOTY measures key indicators such as MOT pass rate and reporting, scramble time performance for the Scania OnScene roadside assistance service, maintaining regular software updates, workshop actions and recalls, adhering to service core processes and standard repair times, data quality, Dealer Operating Standards, Mystery Shopping results and full Customer Satisfaction Index telephone interview results with thousands of customers throughout the year.