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Scania mining


Time for smarter solutions

Efficient mining

With our extensive Lean Production experience, tailored products, and on-site services, we can help you to optimise your production flow and eliminate process inefficiencies. This will lead to reduced cost, better risk management, and increased productivity. 

Our product range

By combining your Scania in each stage of the mining process with the right selection of supportive services you will secure outstanding performance in all conditions – and you will understand what it means to have a truck specially tailored for your business.

A wide range of services

No business is quite like the other. Different routes, driving styles and environments, all affect the utilisation on your vehicles. We tailor connected services and maintenance plans that fits your business, ensuring maximum uptime, increasing productivity as well as decreasing disruptions in your daily operation.

Customer case in South Africa

Contact your Scania distributor

Please contact us at for further information.

Contact your dealer

Please contact us if you have any questions about our products, services or other activities within the Scania organisation.

Find your closest dealer here
Scania configurator

With a wealth of choices and an array of modular configurations, you can tailor your truck to fit your trucking life. Make it a Scania.