Scania G 410 ethanol 6x2 rear-steer temperature controlled transport

Alternative fuels

The best option

Until other solutions such as electrification become more viable, biofuels are the best and in some cases only option available for substantially reducing carbon emissions in the near-term.

Scania develops and provides the largest portfolio of engines on the market that can run on alternatives to fossil fuels, ranging from ethanol trucks and buses to vehicles using liquefied or compressed biogas. All of our Euro 5 and 6 engines can run on Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil (HVO), while nearly all our vehicles can run on FAME biodiesel. We have developed this portfolio for more than 25 years, starting with ethanol-fuelled buses in the 1990s.


In the transport sector, biofuels can make an almost instant contribution to decarbonisation. According to the Pathways Study, increasing the use of these renewable fuels is the fastest route to achieving the highest carbon emissions reductions in the short term.


The limited supply of biogas remains a challenge for the transport sector. Until this is resolved, natural gas will continue to play an important role in the sustainable transport system, as it enables us to increase the market volume of gas vehicles and thereby encourage the adoption of gas solutions. In the meantime, we are working with partners to improve the supply infrastructure for biogas, so it can be scaled up rapidly.


Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil – HVO – is a modern way to produce high-quality bio-based diesel fuels without compromising fuel logistics, engines, exhaust aftertreatment devices, or exhaust emissions.

HVO can be made from different sources – such as waste oil, rape seed oil, palm oil and animal fat. Using these sources of energy has a great impact on the total greenhouse gas savings. Compared to standard diesel, an optimal CO2-reduction can reach up to 90% reduction in CO2-emissions.



Biodiesel (or FAME as in Fatty Acid Methyl Ester) can be made from various sources like rapeseed, plants, and waste cooking oil. Biodiesel also has the advantage of being a liquid, available in large quantities.

The supply of sustainable biodiesel is primarily being used for blending in diesel, or in a pure 100 % form. Compared to standard diesel, an optimal CO2 -reduction is estimated up to 85% reduction in CO2-emissions.



Biogas can be produced from a number of sources, but the most cost efficient and sustainable method is to use local sewage or waste. Biogas consists of the same molecule as natural gas, but biogas is renewable and natural gas is fossil. The two can be used in parallel.

Liquefied Natural Gas/Liquefied Biogas is methane gas cooled down to a liquid state. The volumetric energy content in LNG compared to diesel is 1:1.7. Compared to standard diesel, an optimal CO2 -reduction is estimated to reach up to 90% reduction in CO2-emissions.


Natural gas

Natural gas is methane gas found in pockets in Earth´s crust. It is extracted from separate gas deposits, or in connection with oil extraction. Natural gas is a fossil fuel, but since the methane molecule contains only one carbon atom the emitted amount of CO2 during combustion is smaller, compared to a standard diesel engine.

Natural gas and biogas can be used in parallel. Compared to standard diesel, an optimal CO2-reduction is estimated to reach to 15% reduction in CO2-emissions.



Bioethanol is the most widely used biofuel in transport today. It is also the fuel that is most likely to be able to supply both large and sustainable volumes in the future. A major advantage is that it is a liquid and available in large volumes globally.

It can be produced from a variety of raw materials like sugar cane, wheat and corn. Also starch or sugar rich waste like cellulose or bread can be used. In addition, bioethanol is comparatively easy to produce, even on a small scale. Compared to standard diesel, an optimal CO2-reduction is estimated to reach 90% reduction in CO2-emissions.



The hybrid runs on electrical power, in combination with a biofuel. This greatly reduces the fuel consumption, that in turn leads to lower emissions. It also reduces noise, giving the hybrid vehicle special benefits like driving in cities during early mornings, late evenings, or nights.

Off-peak deliveries offer several benefits such as reduction of driving time, fuel consumption and CO2-emissions. It also increases the use of the vehicle. Compared to standard diesel, an optimal CO2-reduction can reach up to 90% reduction in CO2-emissions.


Plug-in hybrid

The plug-in version means that the truck can always start its work – fully charged. Then complimentary charging can also be carried out during a driver’s shift while their truck is parked for loading or unloading, or while they are resting.

This combination of electrical driveline and traditional engine reduces the fuel consumption, which lead to lower emissions and noise levels. Hybrid means up to +90% reduction in CO2 emissions compared to regular diesel (with a hybrid and HVO combination).