Warranty Specialist
A brief summary of the provided position as below
该职位的主要职责是应当确保经销商能够依据Scania全球保修理赔的政策来处理索赔, 确保执行Scania原厂所发布的技术及安全专案,并依国家法规要求处理专案和市场宣导
The main responsibility of this position is to ensure that Dealers warranty claims are managed and follows the global policy given by Scania Factory, Technical and Safety campaigns are performed and administrated as requested by the Scania Factory and Local Authorities.
Duties and Responsibilities
- 确保经销商和工厂能正确处理索赔单
- 常规性地审核经销商的索赔单
- 建立KPI以监控索赔成本并持续向部门经理报告
- 更新全球索赔信息以了解中国市场的索赔状况
- 参加每日技术会议以了解市场技术信息
- 翻译,更新并发放索赔政策及流程
- 负责所有层级的索赔培训
- 监督召回的执行情况,并向经理和经销商报告
- 收集相关索赔情况并编写索赔TOP10
- 向政府部门汇报有关安全的召回专案
- Ensure that warranty claims are handled correctly to Dealers and Factory
- Ensure that claim audits are carried out continuously at Dealers
- Establish KPI to monitor claim costs and report continuously to the management
- Manage global warranty KPI to understand China position.
- Participant daily technical meeting to understand market information
- Translate, update and distribute changes in warranty policies and procedures
- Conduct warranty training on all levels
- Prepare and report campaigns fulfilment to management and dealers
- Coordinate and create warranty Top 10 list continuously
- Report Recall Campaign to government
Education and/or Experience
- 大学本科毕业或同等学历
- 在商业车辆行业有相关的工作经历
- 产品知识并专注于保修理赔的领域
- 熟练处理处理数字和表格;能够熟练操作微软系统和计算机操作系统
- 良好的英语口语和写作能力
- University education in appropriate discipline
- Previous experience from automotive industry
- Product knowledge with focus on Warranty claim
- Proven ability to work accurately with figures and spreadsheets in combination with good computer skills in a Microsoft Windows environment
- Good in reading and writing English
If you’re the right person for this opportunity and like the idea of joining an environment with great opportunities for professional development, then please contact us.
There two different ways to submit your application.
For Scania Sales China
Please send your application via mail to: scn.recruitment@scania.com.cn
For Scania Production China located in Rugao
Please send your application via mail to: sas.recruitment@scania.com.cn
Your application should include a covering letter describing why this would be a good step for you in your career and how you will contribute to the group's success and a CV in English.
We look forward to receiving your application.