Register CV

By registering your resume and CV you make your profile available for our internal recruiters. Please remember that there might be other candidates with profiles similar to yours, so we do encourage you to submit applications for vacancies of interest.

Register your CV

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Area of work

Attach your CV

Terms and Conditions

Scania SA (Pty) Ltd in the context of this Agreement, processes personal data and complies with current rules and regulations of the state regarding the handling of personal data. Personal data refers to all information that may be linked to a natural or juristic person. Scania SA (Pty) Ltd shall obtain voluntary, expressed and informed consent from the data provider where the processing of personal data is not necessary to fulfil a contractual obligation or to fulfil regulatory requirements.

The purpose of the information requested in this context is that Scania SA (Pty) Ltd and its group of companies will be able to fulfil its obligations under current or future Agreements. The purpose of the data processing is thus to be able to handle e.g. billing, credit assessment, complying with statutory requirements, completing contracted services, marketing development of existing services, maintaining customer contact and working with the counterparty.

Scania SA (Pty) Ltd will delete or anonymize registered personal data when the purpose of the individual processing has been terminated, except if the data is or may be stored in accordance with applicable laws. The customer, or the person concerned, may contact Scania (Pty) Ltd and request that the required personal data be deleted. The customer may also contact Scania SA (Pty) Ltd to get information about what personal data is being processed and request to receive such personal data. Scania SA (Pty) Ltd and its group of companies will be the processor of personal data.

For further information and contact information visit our website

In order to submit the form please agree to the terms and conditions.