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Human rights management

Scania is committed to respect human rights in our operations and in our value chain in line with the UN’s Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. Scania’s Human Rights Policy is complemented by related policies such as the Employment policy, the Scania Code of Conduct and the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Salient issues

Respect for human rights guides Scania’s action across the value chain, contributing to a sustainable transport system. During 2022 Scania conducted a cross-functional assessment of the salient issues as well as a management review of the readiness in Scania’s way of working to meet the human rights standards we are committed to.


With basis in the review, the salient issues have been updated and mapped across the Scania value chain. We have created a new framework for tracking progress and deviations in the human rights area, as well as a roadmap for the work moving forward. 


  • by setting consistent policy commitments, tone from the top and building awareness and capability 


  • by integrating ambitions and requirements into decisionmaking process
  • by building our approach on dialogue with stakeholders


  • by communicating transparently
  • by ensuring real access to grievance and remediation

Road safety

Road safety is a key priority at Scania, as trucks are overrepresented in fatal accidents and a sustainable transport system is safe for everyone. Vulnerable road users such as pedestrians and cyclists are at higher risk to be harmed and therefore require special attention. We also have a broad portfolio of both products and services to strengthen the safety on the roads. Since most accidents are due to human errors it starts with the driver. The driver is the most important factor for a safe journey.

Occupational safety and health

By creating good working conditions we prevent work-related injuries and ill health and promote well-being at work.

Working conditions: working hours, wages and benefits

Scania continuously strive to be a responsible employer in all countries where we operate, and provide decent work including adequate wages, work-life balance through  the partnership and dialogue with our employee representatives in the world.

Scania’s responsibility as an employer.

Several of Scania’s salient human rights issues relate to our responsibility as an employer. Scania has a solid ground and experience to stand on within these areas, but has also identified improvement needs with regards to visibility and alignment of approaches at the global level. 


In the area of working conditions, Scania has a Group policy that regulates minimum standards such as working hours, weekly rest periods, vacation and sick leave for employees. 

During 2021, Scania developed a human rights e-learning course that is available for all Scania employees. The e-learning focuses on education within the concept of human rights, as well as Scania’s impacts and responsibilities in the area.

Child labor and juvenile work

Scania does not accept child labour and managers shall take all reasonable measures to prevent and ensure that child labour does not take place. 

Forced labor and modern slavery

We work proactively against forced labour and Scania rejects all use of forced or compulsory labour as well as all forms of modern slavery including human trafficking.

Social dialogue: freedom of association and collective bargaining

Social dialogue is a process involving representatives of employees, employers and in some cases governments. It includes information sharing on subjects of common interest, consultation and all types of negotiation. Scania believes that social dialogue is one of the most important factors in being a successful and sustainable company. We respect the basic right of employees to freely, voluntarily and without interference establish and join, or not join, unions and employee representation of their own choice and to bargain collectively

Ethical data use: application of AI and technology

We carefully work with the concerns that the future deployment of AI, including the use in connected and autonomous vehicles, will potentially be misused, particularly in certain contexts where privacy and data protection are poorly protected or subject to cyberattacks.​

Discrimination, harassment and equal opportunities

At Scania, we seek to capture the knowledge, experience and ambition of each individual to continuously improve what we do, and how we do it. There shall be no form of discrimination based on gender, age, religion or other belief, caste, social background, disability, health, ethnic, national or territorial origin, nationality, language, union membership or membership in any other legitimated organisation, political affiliation or opinion (as long as they show tolerance towards those who have different beliefs), sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, family responsibility, marital status, disease, pregnancy, or other conditions that could give rise to discrimination. We commit to a workplace free of harassment and foster a social environment with respect for the individual.

Just transition

Just transition for us at Scania means that the decarbonisation of the transport system should be done in a way that is fair and inclusive to everyone concerned, creating decent work opportunities and leaving no one behind. 

Conflict-affected and high-risk areas

As a global company, Scania operates in markets with political volatility, conflict and social unrest. Our early commitment to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights has enabled us to set up processes to assess human rights risks,  implement mitigation measures and conduct heightened human rights due diligence when necessary.

Marikana Coalition project

Scania is supporting the Marikana Youth Centre: a project helping children and young people develop skills and explore opportunities beyond platinum mining.

Community impacts

Wherever we operate in the world, our engagement in the community is a great contribution but also a task that carries great responsibility.

Climate change and environmental impact

Addressing climate change and its associated impacts is important for the transport sector. Climate-related risks refer to events or developments arising from climate change that may have a negative impact on achieving company objectives. Climate risk considerations also include events stemming from Scania’s operations that contribute to the adverse effects of climate change, or indirectly have an impact on the environment and people. Sustainability and climate-related risks are integrated in Scania’s risk management process.

Synergies and joint approaches within the group

With the German Supply Chain Act implemented in 2023, Volkswagen and TRATON are also active in building up a risk-based approach to human rights, and in the work described above lies opportunities for synergies and joint approaches within the Group. Scania is taking part in the work in the Group and has for 2022 published the TRATON Human Rights Statement.