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A collaborative focus

Creating the conditions to support sustainable transport is outside the control of any one company – it depends on collaboration across the whole transport ecosystem. At Scania, we are committed to working with others to develop green resources, solutions and infrastructure, and to push for the policies and investments needed to make sustainable transport a reality. 

Sustainable Transport Forum

At Scania, we know that achieving a decarbonised transport system requires us all to work in partnership across the value chain. That’s why we believe in creating opportunities for everyone in our ecosystem to have their voices heard.


In 2016, we created the Sustainable Transport Forum to gather global decision makers for an afternoon of open discussion and debate on how we can achieve a sustainable transport future.


2024 marks the fourth time that we have held this important event and Christian Levin, President and CEO of Scania, used the opportunity to share his views on what is now needed if we are to accelerate the transition to a sustainable transport system.


The Pathways Coalition

Pathways Coalition was founded by Scania, along with E.ON, H&M Group and Siemens brings together leading companies along the whole transport value chain – from energy providers to energy companies and logistics companies, as well as transport buyers.
The Coalition’s vision is for commercial heavy transport to become fossil-free by 2050, in line with the Paris Agreement. 

CEO alliance

Scania is, through CEO Christian Levin, a member of the CEO Alliance, an initiative bringing together top executives from the energy, transport, finance, construction and technology sectors to advocate for an ambitious implementation of EU climate policy with the aim of reaching climate goals and securing competitiveness for European industry. Within the Alliance, Scania led a joint project to develop a Europe-wide charging infrastructure for heavy-duty electric trucks. In 2022, the project moved into the next phase as a joint venture between TRATON GROUP and industry peers was founded, named Milence

Biomethane Industrial Partnership

In 2022, the European Commission and industry leaders launched the Biomethane Industrial Partnership – an initiative to increase the production of biomethane tenfold by 2030. Scania is a co-founder and transport sector representative in the partnership.

First Movers Coalition

This initiative encourages companies to increase low carbon purchases in areas considered hard to decarbonise, such as steel and transport. As a founding member, Scania has committed to purchasing significant amounts of green steel.

Supply chain sustainability partnerships

We invest in partnerships and initiatives to decarbonise our operations and production processes: for example, by developing green battery technology and renewable fuel infrastructure, or increasing access to steel produced using low-carbon methods.

Green battery cell technology

Through our partnership with battery developer Northvolt, we are investing in the development and commercialisation of green battery cell technology for heavy vehicles. 

Secure access to green steel

As part of the work to decarbonising the supply chain Scania has invested in Stegra with a plant in the north of Sweden that is developing a process to reduce carbon emissions per tonne of steel produced by 95 percent. 

Partnering up to create the enabling conditions for sustainable transport

Sustainable transport depends on the right conditions to flourish. We work with partners across the transport ecosystem to develop sustainable infrastructure and resources, and push for the policies and investments needed to make sustainable transport a reality.