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Renewable fuels

Benefits with renewable fuels

Sustainable biofuels are often a both cost and CO2 efficient solution – and sometimes the only viable option for some transport applications and markets.

Transportation plays a crucial role in modern society, but the sector faces significant climate challenges. The transport industry has the potential to lead the transition towards more sustainable practices, and renewable fuel solutions for heavy transport can play a key role in developing a resilient and environmentally sustainable transport system.


Renewable fuels have great potential to significantly reduce emissions in a cost-efficient way while also providing additional benefits. Scania offers a wide range of engines compatible with renewable fuels, including HVO (Hydrotreated Vegetable Oil), biodiesel FAME (Fatty Acid Methyl Esters) and biomethane (CBG/LBG) that plays a vital role in creating a sustainable, circular economy. The overarching aim is to support the transition to a sustainable transport system, promoting a model of mobility that benefits businesses, society and the environment.


Decarbonisation in transport can make an almost immediate contribution to CO₂ reduction. According to a study "Accelerating to zero" by Stockholm Environmental Institute, renewable fuels are vital for decarbonising heavy duty transport over the next decades, both for new and rolling fleets.


The supply of biomethane for the transport sector is increasing rapidly, primarily using the existing gas infrastructure for distribution, which makes the transition from natural gas to biomethane for commercial vehicles smooth and cost-efficient. Scania is working closely with partners in the energy sector to scale up the availability of biomethane. 

CO2 reduction figures for transport

The CO₂ reduction will vary depending on fuel quality as well as different driving environments and applications. Therefore, we present an interval for the CO₂ reduction and then add a more typical case with a footnote as shown below: 


Typical well-to-wheel CO₂ reduction for European operation: 


  • Biodiesel-FAME: 50–80%, typically 60%
  • HVO*: 50–90%, typically 83% (50–90%)
  • Biomethane* (CBG): 50–90%, typically 80%
  • Biomethane* (LBG): 50–90%, typically 70%
  • Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV): 53–99% typically 55%


CO₂ reduction compared to diesel, from a well-to-wheel perspective.

*From waste-based feedstock.

Renewable fuels for today and tomorrow

At Scania, we take pride in our wide range of vehicles that can run on renewable fuels. Choosing the right alternative depends on the unique needs and operations of your business.